When we talk about Zodiac the first thing that comes out in our mind is our own Zodiac sign.
The horoscope is a graphical representation of the planetary positions at a special moment which is the birth of a person.
In the horoscope represent the position of the planets.
ARIES (March 21- April 20)
Aries fire sign.
Enthusiastic, dynamic and aggressive in love.
Aries act with determination. Do not be influenced by negative people.
If you're wondering whar to do with your love life, the good news that brings you the 2010 is that it is a cycle where your love life stabilizes, strengthens your relationship.
Remenber that the mind and the body work in a uniform.
This year will be characterized by the change of activities.
Money and Fortune
Fortunitely this is a year marked by the tone of presperity.
Lucky numbers:
5 and 12.
Lucky colour:
Intense red
Lucky Weekday:
Tuesday TAURUS (April 21- May 21)
Earth sign.
You are patient, reliable, kind-hearted and loving, persistent and determined in your affairs, peaceful, loving, sensual securiy.
Taurus do not look back! Life goes on now, not before or after
If you ate alone or lonely, you will not feel sad or friendly but lacking free to develop your talents and your personality, share your time with friends without feeling tied to a particular person.
The aspect that you should care more for this year is the tendency to weight gain.
This will be a period in which all jobs that are associated with home, family, computer from home and business on their own are very well sponsored.
Money and Fortune
Resources have in your hands to move forward your finances in a surprising way.
Lucky numbers:
8 and 22
Lucky Colour:
Lucky Weekday:
FridayGEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
Air sign.
In your strengths are intelligent, alert, versatile and curious, quick-witted, adaptable, witty, eloquent, youthful and fresh.
A promise unfulfilled. Do not take too seriously a lack.
Love and romance will be a constant over 2010, but watch out! If you stand with a dull and boring person would have to lose interest quickly because your sign needs variety, intellectual challenge, intelligent conversations. It's your time to make decisions that will radically change your love life.
In general, the prospects are very favourable within the area of health so do not worry.
This is a fairly stable cycle in your working life and overcome the fears of the past.
Money and Fortune
It is important to make sure to separate money in a savings account this year because you must make extra efforts to get what you want and make it so that you leave things go according to planned leave nothing to the last minute!
Lucky numbers::
2 and 12
Lucky Colour::
Lucky Weekday::
WednesdayCANCER (June 22 - July 22)
Sign Water.
In your positive side you are loving and maternal, highly intuitive and imaginativa, with many insights, protector of the family.
Love wil be a reality in your life and you looked away, distant or unlikely, now materializes and becomes a hard fact that will accompany you every day for the past twelve months you havr before you.
During this period you will be very strong in the area of health so do nor worry.
Good prospects exist for you during this period in your work area is well sponsored. Fears of unemployment and job losses will be in the past, you're in a very positive.
Money and Fortune
A year of saving and income, even when you're had financial difficulties in recent months. It clarifies confusing situations were fortunate in 2010, are very promising in your financial life.
Lucky numbers
12, 13, 31 and 37.
Lucky colours
White or gray pearl
Weekday lucky:
Monday LEO (July 23 - August 23)
Fire sign.
In your positive side you are very generous and noble heart, magnanimous, creative, enthusiastic, broad minded, expansive, faithful and loving.
This is the period of the definitions for Leo and sentimental ending the uncertainty and hesitation. Many will be seriously committed, others will put an end to situations that were alien and did not represent anything concrete in his love life. Health
Blood pressure and associated problems with blood circulation require extra attention during this cycle astral because now, more than in other years, increase your emotional and this may cause too much stress and nervous tension.
A good year in labour since you will be performing a job you like and that is the most important. Remember that if things go well, it is necessary enthusiasm from the outset, there is the secret of success, and you already have learned.
Money and Fortune
The peculiarity of your Fire sign your side to attract money and fortune will be made evident during this year that gradually you will see how your income will grow
steadily and positively manage to balance your economic balance.
Lucky numbers:
5 and 14.
Lucky Colour:
Lucky Weekday:
Saturday.VIRGO (August 24 - September 23)
Earth sign.
In your positive side you are modest and very thorough, hard-working, organized, practical, diligent, very reliable, analytical, intelligent.
This is the time of stable arrangements, the relationships are really worth, good friends who stay and false friendships collapsing house of cards as the first blizzard. Love is now consolidated, completed the cycle of instability and when finished the transit of Saturn will be a new person.
In 2010 hygienist sharpens awareness of your sign and that is formidable because it helps to differentiate what you need for what you do not agree and do everything that you know will result in a positive manner for the benefit of your health. A reminder: When Mercury retrograde is very careful with home accidents. Work
The prevailing planetary fumes in your sign Virgo during the current year catapult you to new dimensions work. Challenges will strong positions that may initially frighten, but you can effectively solve because they're going to go with resolve and determination.
Money and Fortune
There will be situations that can not be resolved at this Stage as astral accounts with an extra dose of initiative and creativity that help grow your money even in the midst of the most complex circumstances. Will solve the problems that you were restless and come out well of those economic troubles.
Lucky numbers:
6, 19, 20 and 35
Lucky Colour:
Green and brown
Lucky Weekday :
WednesdayLIBRA (September 24 - October 23)
Air sign.
In your positive side you are diplomatic and dignified, elegant, educated, romantic and charming, easy going, sociable, idealistic.
Relations are consolidated, others end. It's time for romantic settings in which a tangible depth on issues sensitive love. No appearances and superficialities that are worth, you know exactly what you want and you will get it. Traditional end when indecision deliver us from the truth.
Due to the influence of Saturn in your sign you may experience some health problems that need addressing as they arise to avoid complications. Your inner being conveniently let you know what I should do and how.
There are two important trends within your working life that will be placed in relevant positions within your job, if you work, or in other cases help you get what you really want. You're not accepting anything, to get away and you need good results.
Money and Fortune
Although there will be a year of spectacular gains, losses will not which is great news. Fluctuations that arise in your economy will not directly affect your pocket and you can overcome an unambiguous and accurate, to the great skill and precision. Lucky numbers:
8, 11, 23 and 32
Lucky Colour:
Pink, green.
Lucky Weekday:
FridaySCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)
Water sign.
In your positive side you are determined and strong, with a strong desire to do things, highly intuitive, passionate.
You're probably rolling their eyes at the wrong person or you're considering ending a relationship that does not work. Anything is possible. In the case of the scorpions who feel good with your loved one, then there is no reason to worry that things will go better than before!
Take care of your kidneys and the excretory trying to drink pure water instead of caffeinated sodas that contain artificial substances that harm you. The more healthy is your lifestyle, you'll be healthier and more away from hospitals and clinics. Work
Breathed easier this year because many seemingly intractable problems that you are in the process of solution, especially those that were related to your working life, especially if you had problems with unemployment or did not know exactly what would you do with your work.
Money and Fortune
You'll be spending your time with new tasks that will give you the money you need to take forward the business you have in mind. This 2010 is presented very well
economically hosted for you so do not dismiss any opportunity that arises and Catch it when it appears.
Lucky numbers:
7, and 14
Lucky Colour:
Intense red, brown
Lucky Weekday:
Tuesday SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21)
Fire sign.
In your positive side you are optimistic, freedom-loving, spontaneous, cheerful, in good humour, athletic, honest, sincere and direct.
The root is given by the transit of your ruler that makes you very empathetic. You'll be amazed of how you understand your partner's needs and those who approach you. In 2010 it is time for forgiveness and return approach in their hands the reins of your destiny love in a particular way and resolved.
Very good prospects, but remember to be the one to facilitate the recovery and everything that has to do with your health does not neglect your diet, or your and exercises everything you do so well that always gives you.
The 2010 promises to be very auspicious and positive for Sagittarians, especially for those who are self-employed, those who are vendors, travel agents or have to move from one place to another to perform their job functions.
Money and Fortune
The cosmic influences attract prosperity to you so you know, following all these intuitions, dreams, hunches and premonitions that put you in the way of money and you can help your business move forward more quickly behind that thought.
Lucky numbers :
2, and 11
Lucky Colour:
Deep purple, Prussian blue tones or dark
Lucky Weekday:
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20)
Earth sign.
In your positive side you are practical and prudent, reliable, disciplined, with many aspirations, patient, careful.
Finally you feel stable and easy knowing that your love life is on the way to completion and that the problems seen in the past and need not be present in your current reality. It is a time of important decisions that entail taking a new direction in life that promises much for you.
Very good in health policy, particularly when Jupiter enters Aries, the middle of the year, combining its energy with your ruler, both direct. A wonderful period for the recovery of those who have been admitted to a hospital or have had a complicated treatment.
The 2010 comes with excellent opportunities within the working level particularly in the case of the Capricorns who have been jumping from one job to another and those who have finally gained a foothold in an occupation that pleases them. The job prospects are very good.
Money and Fortune
It is necessary that from the beginning of the year will draw a savings plan that allows you to put your finances in order, stabilize your finances and start the year with balances less possible within your credit cards and bank loans. You'll get there.
Lucky numbers:
2 and 22 Colour: Dark green, black, brown
Lucky Weekday :
SaturdayAQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)
Air signs.
In your positive side you are unpredictable and spontaneous, original, creative and humane, projected into the future and full of innovative ideas.
Great for established couples, married couples and those who are united and love freely. This cycle will show that when there is respect, affection and love everything can be solved. Past tests indicate the way forward and the tone to be followed for the 2010 becomes an unforgettable year for both.
The prevailing during these months so is strengthening your health and daily routines and not to relax when doing some exercise or follow a plan you've imposed. Your perseverance will be key to ensuring the success you get as you propose to do. Work
There is good news for you, Aquarius, for the astral movement that is impacting your sign Aquarius indicates that periods of lack of employment, if any, will be brief, transient and ephemeral. Do not worry about whatever happens, everything will have solution and your mood you attract good fortune.
Money and Fortune
If you're looking for extra income you will get it in unexpected ways, including the chance because they coincide with the eclipses of planetary motions direct in your sign your sixth sense is on the rise and discover numbers and coincidences that will take you directly to money.
Lucky numbers:
5 and 21 .
Lucky Colour:
Lucky Weekday:
Tuesday. PISCES (February 20 - March 20)
Sign of Water.
Your sign gives you a lot of imagination and sensitivity, compassion and kindness, intuition and a great capacity for personal sacrifice.
You'll see that you made many dreams seem impossible, and this year will be around: formalization of relationships, marriages and free unions between two people who love each other, which is really important when looking couple. Your sensitivity will be very wise and know attached to your intuition to discover the true face of love beneath the appearances.
The tone is surrounding you during these months is energetic and will help counter problems you may have had in the recent past associated with your gastrointestinal tract or food-related disorders in general.
Very promising is your astral landscape in this 2010 especially for Pisceans who expect legal solutions related to work and that the influence of Saturn to Jupiter together creates a framework for the realization of those hopes and dreams you thought were not going to see crystallized.
Money and Fortune
The touch of luck is basically because when Jupiter transits your direct sign, whose months, your intuition will be very clear and should not stop hearing it because it will take you to the right places and will include economic development are needed. Check your daily horoscope and monthly so you know exactly what those dates.
Lucky numbers:
6 and 10 .
Lucky Colour:
greenish blue.
Lucky Weekday: