My name is Monica and I interviewed my classmate - her name is Yi Ye, we talked about obesity. She said that many people do not eat food healthy especially children because their parents may not have got time for cooking.
Obesity is not good for your health because it can cause many diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems etc.
In her country obesity is not a problem because most people are thin.
The biggest problem that arises is children eating junk food.
The problems caused by obesity are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems.
The increase of obesity is a result of living in a very busy society where parents have no time to care for their children at lunch and give them money for food, and also do have proper meals and have a lot of stress and anxiety.
Government should educate parents and children about proper nutrition.
Parents do not stop their children from unhealthy eating because they are very busy and do not have time to guide them.
Obesity is not good for your health because it can cause many diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems etc.
In her country obesity is not a problem because most people are thin.
The biggest problem that arises is children eating junk food.
The problems caused by obesity are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems.
The increase of obesity is a result of living in a very busy society where parents have no time to care for their children at lunch and give them money for food, and also do have proper meals and have a lot of stress and anxiety.
Government should educate parents and children about proper nutrition.
Parents do not stop their children from unhealthy eating because they are very busy and do not have time to guide them.
Finally I have your correct blog. I know you didn't have enough time in class, so I am expecting you to finish your report during the holidays. Thanks for blogging and for all your help in class...